Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why You Should Play Sports- Propaganda

  You need to play sports so you can live longer. Sports help your heart and your body's maintenance. Sports have a lot of benefits.

  Sports are better than band because band does not physically allow you to work your agilities, and you cannot play against other teams. Band lets you sit down all day. No! That is not what you want to do. You want to be able to use your body. You need to play sports so you can live longer.

  Sports can make your body become toned and can even make your body feel stronger. The better you feel about your body, the higher ypur self esteem gets raised. Women will be attracted to you. Men will be jealous of you. You need to play sports so you can live longer.

  Your body loves sports. Why? I'll tell you why. Your body loves to develop physical skills as well as mental skills. Since you can't play sports without an education, you're killing two birds with one stone. Sports is the best thing that you can do for your life. You need to play sports so you can live longer.
(credit to stevecrossrock)

Reading: Why you should do it

Adults always say read and such, how would it feel to finally hear it from a kid? I mean whenever adults tend to tell us something it goes in one ear and out the other, but when you hear it from your friends you want to actually do it! So I love reading books honestly, especially ones I am interested in. When you find that one book and that one amazing author you get transported to a whole other world! Isn't that amazing, that actual people can write so beautifully. I can only wish that one day I could write up to their what's the word that would give it justice...oh yes extravagance ! So I recommend to find a book that does all of this for you!

Photo By: Paulbence

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Who's to blame?!?!?!

Have you ever herd the term "kids these day"? Well it would be better to have people walk around saying "parents and there bad parenting these days" or "teachers and there teaching these days" or "television and there bad shows these days" I'm not saying that it is all there fault but they shouldn't just blame it in there kids.

Parents part of the madness
Parents could have a huge role in this to. If a parents doesn't show there child right from wrong how are they going to know not to smoke under pressure or cut them selves when they are depressed. I know my parents sure have talked to me about it. That is why when I walk around I know how to act an how to behave. But sometimes I see kids getting into fights and there parents not caring. My auntie is encouraging my cosine to get into fights. She put her through martial arts and everything.

Sometimes school are to blame to. You children in school that get away with stuff all the time. Sometimes I hear people talk about how there teacher texts during the middle of there lessons. Well if the teachers are going to do it why can't we. And I have herd a lot of teachers use language that is not appropriate in school in the middle of a lesson. I think that the way some teachers act now a days can have a huge influence in kids.

T.V. And radio
Ok I personally don't like tv but sometimes I watch it with my sister. And some of the shows now a days are very inapropiate for children. I've seen tv shows were there are children running around recklessly without a care. Don't you think that is going to influence kids a little in how to behave. And on the radio I hear songs that are a tad to adultish for our age groups. On the radio I hear about a guy wanting to take a girl home with him....for what ever reasons. Sometimes television and radio influences kids on how to behave

Don't just blame us kids for everything we do. You have to realize that our surroundings created who we are and how we act

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Animal Murder or Self-Defense?

photo by:  ashley vowinckel
                   An Innocent dog named Cisco was killed by a cop but who is the real blame for it?  In this article, a police dispatch recieved a disturbance call at an address but the caller gave the information knowing its was wrong. The police arrived at the "scene" and shot a dog because it started running and barking at him. 
             If they were to ask who the blame is on it would be the caller of the call for doing what she did. The cop was defending himself but had his gun drawn already when he was approaching the house. Who would you blame? The cop, the owner, the dog, or the caller? 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Americans use the Muslim religion as a scapegoat for the terrorist attack of 9/11, even though it was the Afghans.

I believe the people of America are prejudice against Muslims because of the attack of 9/11. They stare at them, make fun of them, and even make racist remarks. They were't the ones who did.

Every ethnicity has those people who do dumb things. It is in their nature. The people who are part of that ethnicity don't deserve to be treated that way.
(credit to Sailing "Footprints: Real to Reel"(Ronn ashore))

Review of Five Guys

            One of my favorite things to do is find a great place that sells great burgers and Five Guys is the best so far. They started little but if you look around on the walls of this place you will see that they have gotten bigger because they have been in magazines in New York and all over the country for being great.
When I walked in to Five Guys I was expecting a normal order and then wait and then get, but I realized that I was wrong because there weren’t many people in there and why u wait there are big boxes of peanuts where you can get one peanut or a lot of peanuts and they even provide a box for u to scoop the peanuts into, and the best part is that the peanuts are free and really good and when you want more you just walk over and get some more.
            Now two talk about the food which is amazing. They have a simple single burger and double or even triple that you can get anything or everything on it. I walked in and wanted a burger and while looking at the menu I realized that I had so many more options; pickles, mustard, ketchup, ranch, BBQ, mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, relish, green peppers, A1 steak sauce and my favorite, jalapeños, and there is even more then all of that. Then I also noticed that if you order your burger ALL THE WAY you get all the toppings listed in black, of course I ordered all the way and the some and then as I sat and watched them make it from scratch I was amazed at how generous they were with all the toppings. When my food got to me I took a bite and immediately new I had found a new favorite.
            Overall I think that Five Guys is great and I will be going often from now on.

PINK SLIME!!!!! 0.o

Photo by:

Pink slime don't even get me started on the slime!!!!! Well Mac.Donald's have told us that they were going to get rid of the pink slime incident. Did they? If you say yes then your WRONG!!! They haven't stopped giving people pink slime, people say(like my mother) told me that the pink slime stays in your stomach for an entire week. How disgusting is that. These fast food restaurants are blaming the govern but its really the fast food restaurants. They have told people that they were going to get rid of the pink slime do you see it happening NO!!!! They are scapegoating the govern.

How STUPID is that, gosh whats next having us eat raw meat. Pink Slime is puffed with ammonium hydroxide to ''PREVENT'' the ground ''BEEF'' from passing on salmonella( any several rod-shaped, qualitatively anaerobic bacteria of the genus, that may enter the digestive tract of humans and other mammals in contaminated food and cause abdominal pains and violent diarrhea) and Escherichia coil bacteria( Most E. coil strains are harmless, but some stereotypes can cause serious food poisoning in human and are occasionally responsible for product recalls due to food contamination). So the fast food restaurants are the ones to blame for the pink slime situation. They just don't have the guts to say it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Anything that is wrong with the world is blamed on the government!

An example of scapegoat is when we blame all that is bad with the world on the government. There is so much to blame war, healthcare, terrorists, and anything else people don't like in the world. I say yes blame the government... on CERTAIN things. Yes the government or should I say our government isn't perfect, but we can't blame them for everything!

God knows my family is all about politics, seriously at the dinner table instead of asking about each others day we talk about everything wrong in the world! Depressing I know, but there's my point. All anyone want's to do is blame the government for everything, which is wrong!

Now don"t look at the computer and be all that isn't me and trust me it is, it is everyone, you all have blamed the government for something out of their control before, we all have. You want to know who really is to blame? Well SURPRISE it's us!!!! Yup we do all thew damage, honestly the government is the only thing keeping us together! So think before you scapegoat. ;)

PHOTO BY: ME!!!!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pink Slime? That's Disturbing...

photo by: dsuniaga

          Rumor has it! Supposedly McDonald's burgers have a mixture of ground beef and PINK SLIME! Pink slime is the bone marrow. McDonald's has stopped there mixture of this goo and is now succeeding with their burger flipping and French fry salting. 

Many people spread around the world stopped eating burgers because of the pink slime because they were disgusted by the poor taste of the meat/marrow. 

It may not taste different but it sure made people reconsider eating at McDonald’s Big Macs until they found out that McDonald’s will stop their pink slime and start with the 100% meat. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lies....Must stop now

I find the fact that people can lie to someone else so freely, a bit disturbing. I mean I can lie to people but they already know when I tell the tiniest lie. I don't lie much only when I'm joking, but its not a lie that is hiding anything. So there I admit my little fibs that don't hurt anyone, but never anything so big that it hides a terrible truth from someone.

I cant see how you can go to someone and tell them they are there "best friend" and talk about them behind there back. I mean that is a lie that I cant stand people making. I also don't see the good in it. for example if a girl finds out her boyfriend is cheating on them... or vise versa, don't play innocent girls... the guy might say "I didn't want to hurt you" or "Its not what you think.", seriously they are adding more to the lie. If they say they care they would of never of cheated.

Another type of lie that I see a lot is people trying to make them self's feel better by saying like, "if im nit hurting anyone else its ok" or maybe " if no one finds out its ok". No those pansies need to relize the real world finds out EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus I don't see how people can live with the guilt. Do they thrive on it or something. Do they have no soul to carry the guilt in. I know that if i feel guilty i cant do anything untill I get it off my chest.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I find bullying disturbing. Why do kids bully other kids? It is not right.

A kid does not have the right to bully another kid just because of the way he looks or acts. Bullying other kids can lead to bad situations such as suicide or homicide. It can all be prevented if you don't bully people.

I find it disturbing because one kid shouldn't have to suffer from another kid just so the bully can have fun, but on another note, kids have to stick up for themselves. They can also ignore the bully. There is a lot of option that a kid can choose from.

Then there is other kids who have the power to stop it. Some can and will. Others sometimes use their powers for evil instead of good and give into the bullying.
(credit to trix0r)

PEEPS!!!!! o_O

Photo by:

The most disgusting thing that I have ever tasted PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!! They are so nasty, I don't understand how people like them. I mean they are nasty marshmallows covered in nothing but sugar. Sugar is good but its nasty on peeps. I mean compare peeps to chocolate bunnies, now chocolate bunnies are the BOMB!!!!! They are so delicious especially the chocolate hollow bunnies. Now compare sugar coated duckies or whatever they are, to a delicious hollow chocolate covered bunnies.

Peeps are simply covered in plain sugar and there so small you cant even call it a snack. They taste like fake marshmallows and they are NOT organic. When I tasted my first peep it was when I was 12years old and when I tasted it I threw in the TRASH!!! They poison the children's mind with all that SUGAR!!!! RUNAWAY the peeps are going to destroy your mind. Lol I don't like peeps period they are just really disgusting and I hate that people love peeps so much. I don't understand how people could scarf down something so fast and love it. So what would you rather choose a fake sugar coated marshmallow or a delicious chocolate bunny. You choose, but I know what I like and its definitely not the fake sugar coated marshmallow.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kristen Stewart: What she does that disturbs me

Hmm well let's see, Kristen Stewart is just AAH! That's how I can explain my irritation with her or better yet disturbance! She is of course one of the main stars in the oh so famous TWILIGHT series. I love the series personally, but here comes the movie and who do they choose...KRISTEN STEWART! The single handed most worst actress I have ever seen! I love the movies, except for her. I am a TOTAL twiheart as people call us, ahem haters. Anyway I have seen other movies she has been in and I gotta say she sucks! I know people say why the heck is she writing about Kristen Stewart( no names shall be revealed) and hate on me because of this but I think its because I am a pro with words ha ha. Any way back to the point Kristen has a tendency to have a face that looks well constipated and she is like um oh uh yeah thanks, she says like a lot, seems at a loss for words ALL the time, fidgets, and messes with her hair too much! All these things make her disturb me. I also got a little incite from this girl here, she really hates twilight which I don't but still doesn't like Kristen Stewart which is cool.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Unwritten Rules of The Hunger Games

If you are the tributes in the Hunger Games, there are a few unwritten rules to follow in order to “stay alive”. To stay alive you must follow these:

                Survive Off of What You Have: You must have survival skills like knowing what is edible and what is poisonous. You should also know what to expect. Don’t expect that you will win without knowing anything because YOU WILL DIE! Find water.
                Special Skills: Do you have special skills? Well you should because if you don’t, let’s just say… kiss the cameras goodbye! You should learn how to tie knots and to climb trees, how to shoot weapons and retrieve them back.

There are the unwritten rules of THE HUNGER GAMES.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The unwritten rules for school. There are 3 rules that I am going to discuss, and I will also take about a situation that comes around every once and a while.

-Rule 1: "Cool" people are dumb. If you're
popular, you shouldn't be smart because if you are, your "friends" won't want to hang out with you. They are afraid that you'll make them look even more stupid than they already are.

-Rule 2: Nerds aren't popular. Nerds can't be popular because if they were, the wouldn't be nerds. If you're a nerd, you're supposed to have good grades.

-Rule 3: Nerds and "cool" people don't mix. If you're cool, you're going to wan to hang out with kids that are cool. If you're a nerd, you're going to want to hang out with other people who actually use their brains. A cool person either gets a nerd to do their homework or doesn't do it at all. A nerd does a cool peron's homework for protection or money. Cool people also beat up on nerds and try to intimidate other kids. Thats why the two don't mix.

- Once and a while opportunity: A "cool" kid will come across another kid who hangs out with nerds, but stands up for himself. The "cool" kid will threaten him with a "Ima knock you out". The kid will call him out as soon as he says it,"Do it." The "cool" kid will either do it and get beat up himself, or walk away like a punk. Those are the unwritten rules of school.
(credit to The Library Of Virginia)

The perfect day involves going to the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaiian Islands are tropical places. Each island has a beautiful view of the beach and the ocean. It is a paradise that everyone would like to enjoy.

The perfect day would include sushi for every meal, no designated time to wake up, and a personal servant for a whole week. The sushi would be prepared by my own personal chef, and the servant would bring my meals to me.

I would go snorkling, meet the locals, and attend luaus. The islands have contest where you paddle to a different island which I would be a part of. This is my idea of a perfect day.
(credit to isaac.borrego)

Unwritten Rules of a Cell Phone

There are alot of unwritten rules for many different things. I will be talking about the unwritten rules of using a cell phone. There are alot of different rules for the cell phone but here are some few.

1. When you go to the movies you have to find out that you can't have your ringer on.

 2. You also will hit dead spots in areas where you don't get reception but other people might.

 3. Another thing is that most people hate when you talk in public and being loud or annoying but you don't realize you are being so disruptive.

4. Lastly sometimes you can embaress yourself by having your phone on ring and your ringtone is weird and then people will probally make fun of you so keep your phone on vibrate.

Unwritten Rules Of Go-Kart Racing With Your Brothers!!!

Photo by:

Go-Kart Racing, that's is what I'm going to talk about on this post. Of course many of you haven't been go-kart racing and that's okay, but you are missing out. All you hear is the tires screeching and the people yelling and screaming. Its a lot of fun especially when you go with all of your six brothers:) My parents dropped us off at the go-kart tracks and they left because they had to help plan a wedding. Me and all of my six brother went into a go-kart and we were racing each other, what seemed like an awesome day turned out to be the WORST DAY EVER!!!!!! Here are some of the unwritten rules of going go-kart racing with my brothers.

RULE 1: Try not to argue when your going go-kart racing because it can lead to a serious injury. My brothers were fighting on who was going to get the green go-kart and my brother got really upset and he bit my younger brother on the nose. It was very embarrassing. People were looking at us like,"You should call animal control", it was that embarrassing.

RULE 2: Don't drive like some crazy person cause you will get pulled over and get a yellow card. My seconded brother Lucas was driving so CRAZY!!!!! He was bumping into everybody and he would whiplash me a whole bunch of times at the end of the day my head felt like it was going to break off my neck. But he got in trouble for driving like a MANIAC!!!!!

Rule 3: Don't rough talk to anybody ESPECIALLY your older brother,because you will get rammed into. I told my older brother Andy that he was driving slow like our grandam and that really ticked him off and he rammed right into me and I had to stop my go-kart. He got revenge for telling him that he drives like our grandma. My shoulder blade hurts because my brother Andy was a jerk and he made me CRASH in front of everybody.

RULE 4: NEVER EVER CRASH!!!!!! Everybody will either start LAUGHING or GASP. I was driving and I guess the referee told us to stop and I didn't hear him and I pushed the pedal really hard and it jolted me really hard and I crashed into everybody that was driving a go-kart. It really SUCKED because everybody was laughing at me or yelling at me. It wasn't fun.

RULE 5: ALWAYS HAVE YOUR PHONE AT ALL TIMES!!! So as I told you earlier we didn't leave until 10:30 because my STUPID BROTHER FORGOT his phone and my battery was dead so I wasn't able to call our parents and tell them to come and pick us up. Thank god that the people that worked there were able to contact our parents. But they didn't come and pick us up until 10:30. My brothers were cranky crying well my younger brothers were. They were starving and they wanted to go home and sleep. That was the super awsome day we had at the go-kart tracks(p.s. We so didnt have fun).

Those are the UNWRITTEN RULES of going go-kart racing with your ANNOYING, STUPID, BUTT-HEAD BROTHERS!!!!!!!!

The UNWRITTEN rules of stage fright

I was deciding to write the unwritten rules of something, but what? So I found the perfect thing the unwritten rules of...BLANK!! I am kidding of course, as you can tell I am going to write about the unwritten rules of stage fright. Interesting I know :D. Here I go:
Unwritten rules of stage fright:

1. You are not allowed to make fun of people after they go on
2. Don't tell people you have stage fright
3.Never EVER imagine people in their underwear or worst naked!
4.Just do it anyway! What the heck :)
5.Dont make eye contact (it won't help)

You are NOT allowed to make fun of people after they go on:
So you are so NOT allowed to tease other people because they weren't necessarily good! I mean how would you react if they did that to you?? HMMM you wouldn't like it very much. Like I always say treat others the way you want to be treated! I mean hey you probably have stage fright to so you would probably know how they feel, why add more stress and fear into that. Even if you don't have stage fright don't make fun of them either, it's just plain mean!!

Don't tell people you have stage fright:

The reason you don't want people to know you have stage fright is because people can be cruel, they could use it against you. If you are in a competition they could use your stage fright to psych you out and you wouldn't want that would you? I know I wouldn't want that. Also people could just plain out make fun of you for it and tear you down! Yeah people are THAT messed up. So keep it to yourself or tell people you know you won't use it against you.

Never EVER imagine people in their underwear or worst naked!:
OK I never understood why people say " Just imagine people in their underwear" I mean first of all EW and second SOOO doesn't work. So people say it works but it doesn't, I say it would make you feel more weird. I would, imagining people in their UNDERWEAR ugh just the thought disgusts me!People say do it I say DON'T please don't especially if I'M in the audience you better not be imaging that because I will slap you if you do that! It's just disgusting and doesn't help at all.

Just do it anyway! What the heck :) :

Even if you have stage fright take a risk and go on that stage! For all you know you could get rid of that stage fright right away! Plus you might like it and like I dunno get famous! If that happens and you read this I want 10% of your profits. KIDDING, no seriously I want 10%, ha-ha got you if you get famous great for you, but if you could just mention me in your thank you's. I mean what could it hurt to go on that stage? If you go on and REALLY try and your still scared out of your mind than maybe performing isn't you thing, but at least you know right?

Don't make eye contact( it won't help):

You know people say make eye contact with the crowd, well i say DON'T. Here is a little look just above the audiences heads and it will LOOK like you are making eye contact but your not! Isn't that great:). So just don't make eye contact and you should be good.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stage Fright

So as many might know and if you don't I have stage fright. Shocking I know, how could the girl who can never shut up have stage fright! Well actually it is really easy to explain. You have stage fright for a few main reason: you know you suck and don't want to humiliate yourself, you know everyone will laugh because they are messed up like that, or you just freeze for no reason at all.

It is one thing to be good and have stage fright and knowing you suck and have stage fright. A person knows they suck right and people keep pushing them to do it anyway, but they don't want to. Therefore the person has stage fright because they don't want to humiliate themselves even more! Which is understandable of course.

Now let's say you are really good, BUT you psych yourself out by telling yourself "they are going to laugh I know it." then you freeze! People only think people will do that because of our stupid, manipulative, mean generation! What happened to the days where everyone was supportive of each other?? Hmm I would like to know because it isn't right for people to be that rude or for people to think they will be that rude! A person needs to know that if they put themselves out there they won't get burned. I know I need to know that when I go on stage.

So of course there are just people that just FREEZE for no apparent reason, they just do! I have no idea why but hey some people are just like that haha.
Today I had a performance for my performing arts program: singing, dancing,and acting! I did hip hop, jazz, tap, and musical theater! And that was just dancing, I performed a play live, for the first time! I had my very first solo!!!! You would think I would be super super SUPER nervous right? Well hears a big surprise, I wasn't not one bit! You wanna know why? I wasn't scared for once, because I knew everyone there would support me and help me if I fell and comfort me if I failed. Now I can't necessarily say that about my school's choir, but at least I know I have one place where I feel like everyone has my back :D

Photo By: Fred Seibert