Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I have been to so many beaches in my life but only one stands out the most. Although i have not been swimming there because it is so dang cold, I love it. Every time I go its an amazing experience. Its beasty and i would never look at any other beach like I do Monterrey.
Monterrey is a beach in Northern California. Its mostly forest so it hasn't been touched by the destruction of the city, hallelujah! Most of the time when you go towards the shore like on Fishermans Wharf(a pier out there) you can see walruses lounging around with nothing to do.
The weather out there is definitely jacket weather, so unless you want to get sick or have a high immune system swimming is out of the question. And you don't see many building unless you go to a city surrounding it. There's not much to see except for forest sand dunes and sea.
But who goes to the beach to go shopping at the stores. The forest there is so beautiful could live in one of the gorgeous trees that surround the streets. There is even a scenic drive that you can take were you see the sea in an awtastic view and yo can even see the tree that is on the cover of the California State Driving Pamphlet, in real life. Trust me the tree is fantabulous in nature.
And honestly if you do want to go shopping on you day at the beach you can buy all sorts of awesome stuff at the sea side. Montery is a beautiful, awtastic place to visit

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