Wednesday, May 16, 2012

hidden rules

ok well there are hidden rules to anything.Anything you could think of. well here are my hidden rules to being me.

One rule being is that I don't care what people say. If I were to care what people said I would be another stuck up model of society. NO!!!!!! That would be so boring. If everyone would be another stuck up model of society everyone would be the same. No individuality. If I were to be what everyone said I should be I would be a stuck up little princess that doesn't talk to there parents because everything that I do to impress my friends would get me in trouble.

Two I am unique. Yeah I know that everyone is unique but I'm not afraid to admit it. seriously i like to run around yelling my favorite song at the top of my lungs. I would do it in pubic to if I didn't get in trouble every time I did it. Sticking to my opinion even if everyone else's differs from my own.

Three have an undying love for music. listen to it all day and all night, and if i find an absolutely fantabulously awtasticly amazing song play it on rerun afor days and days. listen it to when ever you can. Dont be afraid to express the kind of music you like. and if you hate a song that everyone else loves.... laugh at the idiots for not having an brain.

And if you still reading this go get a life and don't try to be me seriously i know im awsome but its not cool there is only one me.

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