Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Drinking Age... Yay or Nay?

photo by: drewcipher

    There has been a lot of debate lately about the drinking age. Some people want it to stay the same and others want it to be lowered to 18. The people that think it should stay at 21 think that it is the best idea. But the people that want to change it, clearly think that they are 100% correct. My belief is that the drinking age should stay the same.
       The first reason why I think it should stay the same is teens could take advantage of the change of age. "If a youth starts drinking alcohol before age 14...becoming addicted or having an alcohol-related crash or getting into a fight increases". Teens will get addicted and die of lung cancer because of their lust for more kinds of deadly drugs. Teenagers shouldn't have the risk of getting lung cancer that early in life.

      The second reason why it should be kept the same is keeping the age to 21 can save a bunch of peoples' lives. People who decide to drink and drive can kill innocent people who belong to families that care about them. Why would you risk your own life? "...Raising the drinking age to 21 saves about 800 lives a year." This research shows why the drinking age should stay the same.

   "What we're doing now to prevent underage drinking isn't working; it's time to try something else." That is pure foolishness! Why would you encourage teens to drink? COME ON! Get real. Kids can become addicted and die a long  and painful death. They have a loving family so why destroy it with a tragedy? You shouldn't cheer people on to do drugs, that's just nonsense.

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