There are good things about teamwork, like if you get stuck you have someone to refer to and see what you did wrong. Also(this is just between us) it gives you time to talk with everyone, not necessarily about the subject, but hey you get to talk! You also talk about the subject OF COURSE but not the WHOLE time ha ha. We always need an opportunity to discuss what is going on, just without the teacher if you catch my drift. It's easier to hear how to do things from a fellow classmate, they know how to word it so it is simpler. There is always two sides to every story and this was only one.
Oh the bad side...I love writing for this side :D I have no idea why I do, but I just always have more to say about the negative side of things, is that weird? (comment) I have a lot of snarky comments :D Oh and especially with group work!!! There are always the immature, naive, stupid people you have in groups! They are always goofing off and not taking things seriously, I hate it when you get stuck with people like that! When I say you know this is gonna make your life horrible and they go oh I don't care or when I say you should really listen they say nah I'm good! Can you believe that ,it ticks me of!!!!!! I would prefer working alone, but if I have to I will establish this: you do your work I do mine, we don't have to talk. Yup I think that is very a efficient way to handle those types of things. :)
As I said before there are good and bad things to EVERYTHING in life and the words of Ms.K: face it that's life you gotta accept it, just be prepared. There will always be sides, which side you choose is all up to you. Just don't be the person who does nothing and goofs off, do your work THAN goof off and in that order!
I agree with you about the halfway mark but not all group projects are good. Im 51% for group work as a bad thing and 49% as a good thing. It means less work though. But then you have to rely on other people so it gets preety hectic