There is a lot of discussion about whether or not the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen. There are two sides to this debate. One side say's it is OK to drink at eighteen but with a drinking permit, the other side side say's no, keep it at twenty-one, why waste precious time and money on this pointless discussion!? I believe we should keep it at 21. There's no issue with it, so why fix something that isn't broken?! I have two reasons that will help my case: less chance of underage drinking and this law saves lives every ear.
If we keep this law at twenty-one, there is a lower chance of underage drinking. I mean " A 16 year old or a 14 year old doesn't look 21, but they may look 18." Let's face it kids will find a way to get a fake I.D, but it will be and is less believable if the law say's twenty-one instead of eighteen. We fourteen year old and sixteen year old's have a way too look older than our age. We work in mysterious ways. We can wear clothing way to old for us and if you are a girl make up does wonders. This is not the only reason, also this law saves lives every year.
When you are eighteen, you are still new to driving, combine that with alcohol and you get BAD results. "When you see younger people starting to drink, if they combine that with driving it results in a lot of fatalities." See even this article knows what it is talking about. There are so many young deaths related to drinking, wouldn't you do everything in your power to prevent this? This law "saves about 800 lives a year." People might think oh only 800 that isn't that many, but guess what, it is precious lives saved! If it were me I would say no to lowering the drinking age.
So people are saying yeah lower that drinking age, but only if we have a permit! I think that is plain garbage. We already have driving permits, why the heck would a person pay even MORE money to pay for a " drinking " permit. If a person was interested in getting educated about alcohol, they would go out and get it! This idea will just I don't know get people more angry with this issue, so don't even suggest it anymore.
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