In this photo it shows a large octopus appaering to suck up the world. He has a large nose and the Star of David on him. It also looks like he is trying to take over the world by what is shown in the picture. He looks scary and frightning. It also looks like he is almost enjoying eating or sucking up Earth.
The message of this photo shows that Jews are trying to take over the world. They want people to believe that Jews are taking over the world so they can stop Jews from doing this. They want people to believe this because they want to kill the Jews in order to stop things like this.
Propaganda technique #1
Big-They put a globe in the picture to show that 1 Jew can accomplish taking over the whole world. Also, that it is sucking up human life.
Propaganda technique #2
Not the truth- Jews aren't taking over the world. Not any Jews at the time were trying to take over the world. The Nazi's were just jelous that the Jews had better things than them. So, they made up these lies to get Jews killed so they can feel better. Overall, the Nazi's lied and as u can clearly see Jews have never taken over the world.

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