- You ALWAYS need to be as sweet as possible
- learn the DADDY line
- don't let those older siblings get to you
- remember you will always be younger than them, therefore prettier
- be happy that you'll get to do All the stuff they did but FASTER!!!!
You ALWAYS need to be as sweet as possible:
The key to being as sweet as can be is FAKING it, I know seems crazy but its true. Well unless you actually ARE sweet which I doubt, we are all mischievous in our own ways. What we all do is act so sweet in front of our parents they could never believe that we would do anything bad, and that is exactly where we want them muahahahahaa!! So NEVER ever show your lets say dark side to your parents (it will foil our plan). Just be sweet don't talk back and well basically be the perfect child.
Learn the DADDY line:
Oh the DADDY line, a true wonder of the world. Now if your as good of an actor as I think you are we will do JUST fine with this next lesson. Now honestly I do the MOMMY line way more often than the DADDY line. So it doesn't matter exactly who you use this line with but HOW you do it that is key. So onto the actual lesson, you need to be able to get (said parent) alone away from the other, it is too much of a risk to try to do them both at the same time ( you might be caught as well). You sit them down and try to start off as sweet as possible, than do a little pleassssse and either MOMMY or DADDY than BAM you've hooked them and now just use your awesome persuasion skills that I know you have and it is all smooth sailing from here. :)
Don't let those older siblings get to you:
Older siblings are the WORST, they have no idea how horrible being the youngest is in general and than they come in all bigger and all mighty!!! So my advice and this one is short, get even (SOMETIMES) every once in a while those siblings need to learn a lesson, and who will be there to do it YOU, yup that's right. Now this isn't permission to go all sorts of CRAZY on them but yeah maybe a pie in the face or items like that, NOT anything that will danger their life or yours. Be safe with your pranks,( I am NOT liable for anything that happens, you were warned) they can be funny but not cruel, there is a fine line between those two. Hey maybe getting even isn't your style great, I commend you for that, than oh different idea, kill them with KINDNESS!!! Yeah I know you must think I am crazy but it works, the older siblings get the power because YOU let them, if they are mean to you, you be nice to them. They will be all "whaaaaaat?" yes they will get all confused because of your more superior intellect and you were smart enough to come and read my AMAZING blog so I know you have good taste. So do as I say and you will be grand. :)
Remember you will always be younger than them, therefore prettier:
Honestly this is the only TRUE benefit I see about being the youngest. When your older siblings brag about what they can do I come out with " well whatever, I will do that eventually too and I will ALWAYS be younger and therefore look prettier" and always end with a smile and walk away. Keep reminding them of this and they will shut right up aha. Short little lesson, hoped it helped you all.
Be happy that you'll get to do All the stuff they did but FASTER!!!! :
I can't necessarily explain the knowledge of this, but all I know is that its TRUE, 100 % (in most cases). I believe it's because your the last child and most parent's want to spoil you (BIG benefit) and well at least I say this: because you and I are both AWESOME! But according to your parent's you are their "baby" (ugh I hate being called that) and so you get to do ALL the stuff your siblings did but earlier! I love that fact and I felt as if you should know this, make you feel better.
Now I have taught you all I know young grasshopper and now I leave the AWESOME advice I gave you and pray you put it too good use. I have done all I can, use your talented gifts for... I WOULD say good, but bad is more fun, but you shouldn't do that either so use them for IN BETWEEN! Now off you go and so shall I, I know you'll do great. :)
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