Social networking is like an Apple sometimes its really good but they can be rotten and infested with worms. When I say worms I mean rapists, hackers, and bullies. No one really knows and cares about the threats of social networking and the true reason why is because it never happened to them well what if it did then what would you do huh. People are getting really addicted too the point of sociophobic behavior after too much time on the site. The main affenders are face book, myspace, and twitter sad isn,t it? This is twitter's and the others true intention(credit to mediabistro.com).Can you see what they are doing to us? they are taking over our social life so sad and they are blind to the whats happining and yes I am talking about you Facebook lovers. I hope you enjoy my post and see the truth about Sodcial networking.
Nice post. And nice word--"sociophobic." : )