First of all VERY inappropriate. You do not call your educators Mommy, Papa, Uncle or Auntie. It is COMPLETELY unprofessional and yes as a student you must be professional as well. When people call their teachers by this name I get weirded out, like is she actually your mommy or not?? It's just plain creepy. I am only writing this because I can not stress this enough that it is just plain WEIRD!!!!!!!! I mean come on people don't do it. How do you guys think Mrs.H. feels about a thousand kids calling her mommy you got to admit you'd be creeped out if it were happening to you. Photo by:rachel sian
Excuse me but Mrs. Hynes really dose'nt care because she loves us I mean come on you did'nt have Mrs. Hynes as an english teacher last year, if you did you would be calling her mommy like the rest of us do. And the teachers know were messing around so it really should'nt bother people.