I don't think social networking is a good idea. There are plenty of other ways to keep in touch with your friends. There could be some phsyco claiming to be a 13 year old girl just to talk to a boy. Yeah, that's right, I said a boy. I mean if you know who it is thats on your "social network", thats okay, but if you are just accepting random friend requests then you shouldn't be aloud to social network. There are 3 types of people who are on social networking. These include the "picture people", then there's the "shadow people", who don't like posting pictures of themselves, then you have the followers. The followers are people who have a social networking page just because everybody else does. The "picture people" are those people who can't go five seconds without posting a new picture. Then shadow people just don't care what other people think so they don't really post anything new on there page.
Credit to marcopako
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