Monday, February 27, 2012
The Dark Dreams Of The Night
OK the title is not about some cheap book that would end being some awesome teen book that they make a movie out of and every girl in the nation drags there boyfriend to the movie theater to go watch. NO!!!! I hate those books deeply. No but I'm talking about the best thing in the world. The most fantastic thing ever. The dark cold air going into your lungs at night when no one is around to tell you "Turn your music down its to weird" or "Quit smiling, nothings funny". Honestly i think the last place a teenager can go to be alone is the dark. I swear just put on a black sweat shirt find a nice place to sit or run around like CRAZY no one will ever see you. My favorite place to go when im alone is this tree in front of my house that i swear looks like a throne that i just have to sit on.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Is There A Vampire In Your School?!!!!

Alright well there is this new movie that recently came out and almost everybody loves it. Can you guess what that movie is? BREAKING DAWN!!!!!!!!! I love that movie becyase its so romantic I read all the books they were really good. Even my english teacher Mr. Vega read all the books, seriously that is AWESOME!!!!! Some people dont like Twilight becuase they think its stupid, some of thiere movies are kinda stupid. But I think that girls just hate that Bella didnt choose Jacob and she choose Edward. I persanolly agree Bella should have choose Jacob instead of that shiny sparkly vampire *sigh*.
Well it is what it is, Edward is romanitc and Jacob is a whole diffrent story. I love the movies and the books even more, but dang they are crazy and intense. I got my mom into the movies at first she thought it was going to be cheesy, but after that she LOVED them and its all thanks to me. Now she has read all the books and almost all the movies. Even my 7year old brother loves them, my brother Donovan goes for team Jacob. My sister on the other hand goes for team Edward. I love all the movies even though I havent see them all I know there going to be really intenese. If you havent see Breaking Dawn part 1 watch this short sneak peak of Breaking Dawn.
Two Marine Helicopters Collide
photo credit to: james_gordon_los_angeles
In this article it says "The crash occurred during
routine training operations Wednesday night around 10:30 p.m. ET, according to
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma Base Commander Col. Robert Kuckuk." The
incident has been all over the news. 7 marines were killed on Wednesday. They were
on their way to Afghanistan. They didn’t know that this was their last flight. “Marine
Corps Air Station Yuma is home to about 4,000 active duty Marines and sailors.”
Families of the 7 that died are devastated. The name of the helicopters was AH-1W and UH-1 Huey and AKA "the
backbone of the United States Marine Corps' attack helicopter fleet."
adults :( -_-
Adults they cause most of life's problems and they don't care enough to understand what there doing. Now all you hear is war and a low economy and worse and do you know who caused this the big A.D.U.L.T yes adults they have a tendency to cause something wrong. To bring youth into this most teen and child death is due to abuse, rape turned to murder, point blank murder, terrorisms,
and driving uncontrollably or under the influence. Teen suicide usually happens because of abuse or the parent doesn't truly show that they care about their offspring.
and driving uncontrollably or under the influence. Teen suicide usually happens because of abuse or the parent doesn't truly show that they care about their offspring.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Bomb Attempt
A man was charged for trying to suicide bomb in the U.S. Capitol. He was also wielding weapons such as and AK-47. A young man only 29 as actually is dumb enough to try and bomb rush. He was a citizen but, his Visa expired making him an immigrant. He has been plotting since January of 2011. I don't get why people still try to do things like this I thought we were over this. Can't anyone in the world just get alomg because this is why wars and battles happen. Click on this link for the full story.
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photo by: ezioman |
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Whitney Houston's departure from mother earth

Now as you all know Whitney Houston is no longer with us. It was such a tragedy...BUT they made a LOVELY ceremony for her. They celebrate her with of course MUSIC!!!!! Whitney Houston made such an impact on everyone's life. According to my sources Whitney died by drowning in a bath tub after taking certain drugs. Now do not quote me this, it is only what I heard.There really isn't much more to say so I will let my link explain everything
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Social Networking
photo by: Laughing Squid
Bad or good? Too social or not social at all? Facebook can be a good thing and bad. Most of the drama starts on Facebook. Plain and simple. In my experiences, people aren't afraid to say anything to you on Facebook, but when it comes to reality they may be scared. But Facebook can be a great thing too. It keeps people connected. You may be able to get connected with your long lost family or best friend. Not just Facebook, but other social networking sites like Twitter, Mocospace, and MySpace cause equally as much trouble as Facebook. Take this advice and hope for the best.
Bad or good? Too social or not social at all? Facebook can be a good thing and bad. Most of the drama starts on Facebook. Plain and simple. In my experiences, people aren't afraid to say anything to you on Facebook, but when it comes to reality they may be scared. But Facebook can be a great thing too. It keeps people connected. You may be able to get connected with your long lost family or best friend. Not just Facebook, but other social networking sites like Twitter, Mocospace, and MySpace cause equally as much trouble as Facebook. Take this advice and hope for the best.
Social Networking

Social networking is like an Apple sometimes its really good but they can be rotten and infested with worms. When I say worms I mean rapists, hackers, and bullies. No one really knows and cares about the threats of social networking and the true reason why is because it never happened to them well what if it did then what would you do huh. People are getting really addicted too the point of sociophobic behavior after too much time on the site. The main affenders are face book, myspace, and twitter sad isn,t it? This is twitter's and the others true intention(credit to you see what they are doing to us? they are taking over our social life so sad and they are blind to the whats happining and yes I am talking about you Facebook lovers. I hope you enjoy my post and see the truth about Sodcial networking.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Social Networking

I don't think social networking is a good idea. There are plenty of other ways to keep in touch with your friends. There could be some phsyco claiming to be a 13 year old girl just to talk to a boy. Yeah, that's right, I said a boy. I mean if you know who it is thats on your "social network", thats okay, but if you are just accepting random friend requests then you shouldn't be aloud to social network. There are 3 types of people who are on social networking. These include the "picture people", then there's the "shadow people", who don't like posting pictures of themselves, then you have the followers. The followers are people who have a social networking page just because everybody else does. The "picture people" are those people who can't go five seconds without posting a new picture. Then shadow people just don't care what other people think so they don't really post anything new on there page.
Credit to marcopako
Social Networking Good or Bad??

Social networking seems stupid to me because there are just a bunch of people taking pictures of themselves and their friends. I mean there can be weirdos who say that there only like 15 years old. I mean that's crazy you see that stuff is so not safe my friends they all have facebooks and sometimes the post as their profile pictures with me in the picture. Honestly I don't care but to some other people they just don't like the pictures them all over the Internet, I totally get because some weirdo can just look at your profile picture and just fin out all about you. So that's one bad thing about social networking. There is also cyberbulling my best friend went through that because of some girls who couldn't keep their mouths shut and they told everybody. She ended up committing suicide because of that. So nobody should be bullying anybody on any kin of social networking things like facebook, myspace, clicksetrs, twitter, and anything else because anything can go wrong on the Internet. I think social networking is bad for a lot of reasons. So think safe and think positive.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Social networking horrible or overreacting??

Now I can see the parent's and adult's persepective on this situation, I mean there has been A LOT of scandals involving the Internet. Whether its putting inappropriate things or pictures or talking to complete strangers. Don't get me wrong I agree that the Internet is very dangerous but that is only when you are being a fool, trusting what a person says on the Internet or putting inapropriate pictures of yourself. This is just plain stupid! Everyone thinks that the world is a nice place but guess what it's not and that INCLUDES the Internet!!!!
Maybe one of the most dangerous things but then again there are the people who only talk to people they know, don't put such hmm what is another word for inappropriate um oh I know just plain disgusting and stupid pictures of yourself!!! I just don't understand why people do those things maybe they don't get enough attention and they want it from anyone even scary creepers. So people need to be careful because bad things CAN happen and I don't want any of them to hurt anyone, so please be careful when you post stuff on the Internet and be aware of who you are talking to on the Internet.
Network Socializing
Alot of people in the world socialize over the internet to talk and chat with friends and family. This can be a good or a bad thing for some people. People like to use social networking sites to talk trash or spread rumors about certain people sometimes. The good thing is that you can talk to family and friends when your not around them and see what is going on in the world. Sometimes you have to watch out on what you post on your profiles for Facebook or any other website because predators may be watching you.
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Photo by: lawtonchiles |
I love to take pictures of random things that I see. I mean seriously I take pictures and look at them later and they seem all cool and abstract.
I even caught my self laying on the grass taking a picture of the street. I got up and looked at my picture and realized it looked amazing!!!!
One of my favorite things to take a picture of is after it rains I go to my moms balcony and take a picture of the hills behind my house. Well I do it while it rains to, for the picture to look its most fantabulous.
But pictures don't have to be of models or pretty flowers that u see laying around. Pictures should be random and meaningful. I dare everyone who reads my blog to take a camera ( if accessible) and take a random picture and print it out (again if you are able to) and hang it somewhere for everyone to see it.
The world needs its randomist things to shine and show that they are pretty:D
Picture credit to: me and my randomness lol
I even caught my self laying on the grass taking a picture of the street. I got up and looked at my picture and realized it looked amazing!!!!
One of my favorite things to take a picture of is after it rains I go to my moms balcony and take a picture of the hills behind my house. Well I do it while it rains to, for the picture to look its most fantabulous.
But pictures don't have to be of models or pretty flowers that u see laying around. Pictures should be random and meaningful. I dare everyone who reads my blog to take a camera ( if accessible) and take a random picture and print it out (again if you are able to) and hang it somewhere for everyone to see it.
The world needs its randomist things to shine and show that they are pretty:D
Picture credit to: me and my randomness lol
Hello Kitty.....Scares me a little
There have been many stories about "Hello Kitty" the famous character that all the girls love. I admit when it came to "Hello Kitty" I used to be head over heals for it but now she freaks me out... Alot.
Photo is my watch:O
My neighbor used to tell me this storie about the famous cat and I didn't really believe her that much. I just thought that she was just an adorable white kitty with an adnoraly large red bow at the top of her head. So I did some research.
Turns out the storie she told me wasnt as stupid as I thought. The same thing she told me was on like four or five different websites here is only one of them. The website describes a mother with a daughter dying from a cancer causing her not to speek, promises the devil if he spares her daughter she will create a toy that will bring the devil mony.
When I read this it olmost made me throw away my watch with the demented character on it. But now I do t were it that much well... Never.
But there are a lot of websites stating the actual story behind the cute cat and some info that I didn't know my self. The website says that they created the cute cat with out a mouth for the person to put there own feelings in the cat.
The cat still scares me but not as much as it used to.
Photo is my watch:O
Monday, February 13, 2012
Breakfast lunch dinner or all of the above

What is the most important meal of the day?(post our opinion) Lunch is good middle of the day and you are fully awake plus there is a large range of possibilities of food to eat it can be some what healthy . On the other hand breakfast is a boost that helps you through the stages to wake up and i
s the healthiest Now dinner, dinner is probably the my all time favorite but all types of food is awesome besides bad food back to the point dinner is also awesome it can also be very healthy and has the largest range of choices and is just so good. And the best part is you can eat any thing at any time dinner at lunch and breakfast at dinner and frankly all of them are my favorite.

Thursday, February 9, 2012
Refering to a teacher Mommy or Uncle or Auntie or Papa

First of all VERY inappropriate. You do not call your educators Mommy, Papa, Uncle or Auntie. It is COMPLETELY unprofessional and yes as a student you must be professional as well. When people call their teachers by this name I get weirded out, like is she actually your mommy or not?? It's just plain creepy. I am only writing this because I can not stress this enough that it is just plain WEIRD!!!!!!!! I mean come on people don't do it. How do you guys think Mrs.H. feels about a thousand kids calling her mommy you got to admit you'd be creeped out if it were happening to you. Photo by:rachel sian
Breakfast Time!!!
Alright well a way to have a good breakfast is to cook some home-made good bacon with some chocolate pancakes, and with orange juice. Some people don't like breakfast like my friend Hailey Triay she doesn't like cereal, I was so shocked when she told me because I love cereal, especially the cereals called Life. Well when I'm in a rush to go to school I just get a banana muffin that's usually my breakfast. You know all the athletes who eat all protein stuff, and the raw eggs and then the lettuce and a whole bunch of other stuff. I don't like those kinds of things because I find it quite gross. My brother he plays football and he makes protein shakes. One time I saw him put raw eggs and then he puts this cheese called ricotta cheese, fat free milk, and some frozen fruits and it taste NASTY!!!! I mean I would rather drink carrot juice than that gross stuff. What I eat for breakfast on the weekends are sausages and bacon and pancakes. Breakfast is really good for you because then you wont be doing laps for PE on an empty stomach.
Ways to Prepare for Track

There are many ways to prepare for track or running. One of my favorite ways is carbo-loading. I have heard of many athletes doing this. The night before the track meet, you get all the protein you can think of. Raw meats, eggs, and so on. Next you put them in a blender to mix them up. After you do that comes the gross part. You must drink the substance in the blender. Be careful or you will vomit. (credit to nocklebeast).
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Best Way To Start Off Your Day
The only way to survive your day at school is to have a good breakfast. You can't really stand your stomach growling and rumbling half of the day. It's annoying and it could of been easily solved by eating your daily breakfast. Eating breakfast can help you have a great day because, you don'y have to wait till lunch to eat. When our bodies don't eat breakfast, they don't function to the fullest. Our energy level also drops because we don't get nutrition and substance. Hunger can also cause, mood swings because your body is empty. One of the most thing you should worry about is that your body can't concentrate as much and you won't be able to think in your mind because your hungry.
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photo by: Secretly Ironic |
Coffee. Good or bad for you??

Now let me start off with saying I read English Answer Man's post about breakfast and couldn't find our assignment SO I decided to bring up the issue COFFEE is it really good for you or killing you! I am kidding it won't kill you but could do some damage you don't want. Such as leaving coffee stains on your shirt or pants, it is very hard to get that out you know. No but seriously coffee gives you coffee breath that no one enjoys except for those weird people that were addicted to coffee but stopped and are trying to get a bit of coffee per say by smelling your breath. Another thing is that it stains your pearly whites. If you had a dream of having straight and beautifully white teeth and you drink coffee you can flush that dream down the toilet. Now some benefits of coffee.Parkinson's Disease:drinking coffee regularly reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease. A number of studies have shown that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are most likely, less likely (I know that is confusing) to develop Parkinson's disease. Hey that's a plus also you are less likely to get diabetes. Now the bad.Cholesterol: Heavy consumption of boiled coffee raises blood total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Unfiltered coffee has two cholesterol-raising compounds cafestol and kahweol.Also coffee can cause irregular heart beats. So all I am saying is that since Mr.Vega is addicted to coffee and don't deny it we all know he needs to be careful, there are a lot of side effects of drinking coffee on a day to day basis. Also if you want to see where I got my research click here.
Having your work done
Sometimes having your work done can be a bad thing in Mr.Vega’s class. It is a bad thing because he makes you do extra work like I am doing right now. For example I finished reading the book we are reading in class way before everyone else and when everyone else is supposed to be reading what does he make me do, he makes me do this post. So some advice for all you people who finish early, DON’T FINISH EARLY ONLY FINISH ON TIME!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Teacher Nicknames...?
What is up with all these students calling their teachers, "Mama Hynes" or "Papa Vega"? That's just like calling a dog, Pooch Lacey. It may be funny the first time to you but it gets stupid and annoying to some people! Yes, they may be a mama or a papa but not to you. (Unless they are.) I mean, it's not like the teacher wants you to call them that. Usually people that do this have to have a connection with the teacher. His/her girlfriend or boyfriend have connections and not even they say "Boyfriend ______" or "Girlfriend ______". It's so weird.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Travel ball

Travel ball is like professional baseball for kids. You are allowed to lead off and steal. The pitcher can either try to pick you off or throw the ball home. When the batter steps up to the plate, he has a count of 0-0. You are allowed 3 strikes and then you're out. If you get 4 balls you get to go to first. There are 4 bases:first, second, third, and home. Everytime you step on home after going around the bases, your team gets a point.
Credit to KRob2005
Ketchup v.s. Brown Tie
Tie:Photo by: 
Photo by:

Alright there is this war between my old 7th grade English teacher Mrs.Hynes and then I have my 8th grade English teacher Mr.Vega. Right now I think Mrs.Hynes is winning only because she's Mrs.Hynes. No OFFENSE Mr.Vega I mean you're okay, its nothing personal but you lost!!!! Just face the fact Mr.Vega that Mrs.Hynes is so much better I mean she doesn't dresse like a rainbow unlike you who always dresses like a rainbow.

Photo by:

Alright there is this war between my old 7th grade English teacher Mrs.Hynes and then I have my 8th grade English teacher Mr.Vega. Right now I think Mrs.Hynes is winning only because she's Mrs.Hynes. No OFFENSE Mr.Vega I mean you're okay, its nothing personal but you lost!!!! Just face the fact Mr.Vega that Mrs.Hynes is so much better I mean she doesn't dresse like a rainbow unlike you who always dresses like a rainbow.
I hope I'm not hurting your feelings its just Mrs.Hynes is always talking about you in a funny way. Come on Mr.Vega, Mrs.Hynes is ketchup and your the tie. The ketchup always win she can slaughter you with her red, juicy, tomato sauce. But the tie loses, it just get covered in the ketchup. Sorry Mr.Vega your probably going to bring my grade down for talking about how Mrs.Hynes is the best English teacher ever. Mrs.Hynes owns you, I'm sorry for telling the truth Mr.Vega I know its hard to take in. Alright this is for all you bloggers out there who are reading this. Were going to have a contest you have to put which one is the best English teacher, either Mrs.Hynes or Mr.Vega. Whoever gets the most votes wins it is your choice. WHO WINS!!!!!! (P.S. Mr.Vega, Mrs Hynes is the best).
O.k. for all those people out there who are poets or ever have like that moment were you are like wow an awesome poem just like totally hit me.
Yeah I like poetry and so dose well a lot of people. I don't mean like a lot of people get together in a dark room and tell suicidal poems, but like poems about like everyday life or weird thoughts that you need to express or you will explode inside because you like don't know what to do.
Sometimes I see my self righting poems about poems in my head. Am i the only one out there who dose that? Like sometimes I feel crazy when I do because who rights poems about poems?
like read one of my latest.
" Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
That means I love you.
Wait how could this be.
If a white rose is seen.
You no longer love me.
I am so confused.
Was someone used?
I gotta go."
That is 100% my poem so please don't like jack my work.
Photo credit to: plind
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