O.K. in my opinion dodge ball is a very fun game and that yeah it can be dangerous. But the teacher are suppose to be there watching the children making sure that the students are playing fair. Also most oft the students that hurt people and are in the "i am everything mode", don't deserve to be in the game seriously! But i dont think that the sportswriter Rick Reilly shouldn't of wrote that article making fun of the people who are against dodge ball. A little one sided if you ask me. But when i read the"wall of shame" i was like really those game show idiotic is that. I mean duck..duck.. goose, or a game as nonviolent as Simon says. Really what sissy's seriously. I am not going to go all "Rick Reilly" on you but come on seriously just click on the wall of shame hyper link up there towards the begging of the post and see exactly why you would think that in some cases they are acting stupid about it.

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