Look alot of people and articles are saying that dodgeball should be banned.Why? Theywan't it banned because they think it;s dangerous and helps lower our self-esteems. Dodgeball is a great game and is played all around the world. For crying out loud people used to play that game with a HUMAN HEAD! I like dodgeball as a sport but, alot of little kids don't because their scared about a round red rubber ball hitting them.
Sure dodgeball may cause some injuries but, u gotta suck it up and play the game and stop hiding in the shadows. I used to ove playing this game in elementary school but, now I don't see it that much played in junior highs. I know alot of thesepeople want to ban this sport but, this might change our minds. I love dodgeball and I don't want to see it be banned no matter how many injuries happen.
Yeah, dodgeball is totally worth getting hit and bruised. Man up people! It's just a ball! Chances are that you probably won't die. It's also a good way to get rid of the anger from teachers and homework.