Photo by: http://www.flickr.com/photos/_sk/2638831430/sizes/m/in/photostream/
The perfect day for me is eating delicious food all day. Things like, tacos and egg rolls, tamales, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, donuts, Hot Cheetos, candy, burgers. I just want ONE day of eating food all day. It doesn't matter what kind of food. Like lasagna, spaghetti, pancakes, pizza, smoothie, fruit, cereal, bagel, cranberry juice, Chinese noodles, and grilled chicken. Everybody always makes fun of me because I eat a lot but I don't gain weight. I think its because I have high metabolism, but my younger cousin Jacalyn thinks I have worms inside of my stomach. I only weigh about 70 pounds.
I love to eat food, my mom thinks the way I eat its like I haven't eaten for years. I only eat that way because its so mouth-watering and i just gobble it down like nothing. I eat all kinds of food like, Mexican food, Chinese food, Thai food and a whole bunch of other stuff. My most favorite food to eat before I go to school is a banana nut muffin. Those things are the bomb, I LOVE BANANA NUT MUFFINS!!!!!!!! I don't like school lunches because they taste like POOP, there is a really big difference when its school lunch it taste disgusting and when its home-made or you go-out and eat its DELICIOUS!!!!!! So that is what I think FOOD IS PERFECT!!!!!!!
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