Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Beastyist Song

I think that the best song has to involve several things to it. . One it has to have a good message. Two it has to be able to relate to people.Three it should have a good beat. And four it has to be original.

For an awstastic song it has to have a god message. A song should not be encouraging violence drugs etc. Many songs relate to how to handle a break up or how someone should treat another... or pure revenge on someone. but for songs that try to break away from the average foofoo gaga lovy dovy junk its just for pure fun!!!! for example in Christina Perri's song Jar Of Hearts she explains that you cant go around messing with people and hurting them because it is NOT RIGHT. Or another example for a fantabulous song is the song Mad World by Gary Jules, he explains that the world is a crazy place that people get looked over and ignored.

Another factor in a amazing song is it has to be able to relate to people. If you are feeling depressed and you listen to a song that is talking about the same thing that you are going through a spark of hope might ignite in your soul for the fact that you feel like you are not the only one going through it. Another reason why its best to be able to relate to songs is because they might want to listen to it more often because they are able to feel like the song means something to them. For example the song Grenade by Bruno Mars is popular because it relates to alot of people that have had there heart broken

Another big factor is it has to have a good beat. A lot of people listen to music for a background. If you have a beat that has no rhythm and its just a whole bunch of random out of beat sounds it wont sound good... it would in fact sound horrible. Have a good catchy beat that is slow, fast, or both. for example the song Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 has a fun catchy beat that a lot of people like.


  1. I love Drake's song....Take Care

  2. Your last comment reminds me of a funny youtube video I just saw: It's Katniss from the Hunger Games vs. Bella from Twilight, all to the tune of "Moves Like Jagger."

  3. Hahahaha I saw that video it was HILAROUS!!!!!
