Melinda is relieved because she doesn't want to admit to her parents that nobody invited her to trick or treating. She's sad because shes' remembering the times when she was with her best friends and they were trick or treating on Halloween. They were all dressed up as witches they went to Ivy's house because her sister had really cool theatrical makeup. They each traded clothes and they put on black wigs. Melinda and Rachelle looked the best because they used there baby-sitting money to get black caped lined in red. They collected piles of candy. After they were done trick or treating, they turned off all the lights and they lit a candle, and they sat in front of the mirror and wanted to see there futures. But they didn't see anything.
If you leave a childhood tradition it feels really hard because your so used to doing the tradition you did it when you were little and now as you get older the traditions change. When I was little I used to live in San Diego and my mom she just packed all of our stuff and we left. I missed Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, and any other holiday with my family in San Diego. I was so used to seeing my family over there, that now I see my step dads family. But it took me a while to adjust the fact that I wasn't going to see my family in San Diego as often as I see my other family over here. But its all good i see all of my family from time to time.
Can you give readers some background on what you are talking about? I know our class would get it, but most people who see this blog will be wondering who Melinda is, why she's trick or treating, etc. : )
ReplyDeleteCan you give readers some background on what you are talking about? I know our class would get it, but most people who see this blog will be wondering who Melinda is, why she's trick or treating, etc. : )