Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cyberbullying NOT right!!!!!

For those of you who think cyberbullying is funny and cool well guess what it's not just because you make fun of people on the Internet doesn't mean it's NOT bullying it's just a more cowardly way of doing it. People don't realize how much these things impact us. Kids can be so hurtful, I mean if a person is bullied at school (hopefully not) but if they are and then they are being cyberbullied then it is like they can never get away. That is why there are so many teen suicides. So if your being a bully or cyberbully STOP and try and make things better. Being a bully isn't cool so don't do it.
Photo By: FunnyBitz

"Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson

Photo By: wpwend42

Some people are different on the inside then out. Someone canbe crabby to people but then inside they feel guilty about it or hate doing itbut they do it to be considered a “cool” person or they’re making a joke and trying to make people laugh. Many of us think that because they are hurting, they have to take it out on other people that don’t deserve it. When I wrote this I was thinking of one character from the novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. I was thinking of Melinda because she was raped so she might feel different inside than what her emotional looks might say to people who just see her.
I also thought about her rapist. He might be really happy looking on the outside but he could be “grappling with guilt’ if he remembers that night because he was drunk. When people are intoxicated, drunk, high, or “out of it” people seem to forget what happened the day of or the night before.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Speak Journal #1

Photo by:http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikerbaker/3269613945

Melinda is relieved because she doesn't want to admit to her parents that nobody invited her to trick or treating. She's sad because shes' remembering the times when she was with her best friends and they were trick or treating on Halloween. They were all dressed up as witches they went to Ivy's house because her sister had really cool theatrical makeup. They each traded clothes and they put on black wigs. Melinda and Rachelle looked the best because they used there baby-sitting money to get black caped lined in red. They collected piles of candy. After they were done trick or treating, they turned off all the lights and they lit a candle, and they sat in front of the mirror and wanted to see there futures. But they didn't see anything.

If you leave a childhood tradition it feels really hard because your so used to doing the tradition you did it when you were little and now as you get older the traditions change. When I was little I used to live in San Diego and my mom she just packed all of our stuff and we left. I missed Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, and any other holiday with my family in San Diego. I was so used to seeing my family over there, that now I see my step dads family. But it took me a while to adjust the fact that I wasn't going to see my family in San Diego as often as I see my other family over here. But its all good i see all of my family from time to time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Were not all the same

Free Stock Photo - Love Hate Anger Jelousy by Photo_Mind
Photo by: Photo_Mind

People sometimes feel jelous of other people have certain talents that we don't have Like for example you may not like someone that always beats you at basketball or some other sport at school. Some people find joy in knowing that you hate that they are good at stuff that your not good at. Typically, adults have the same issue. Adults usually don't like other employees because they do their job better than anyone else. Maybe, that's why jobs have an employee of the month awards. Some people think it's unfair that other people have great skills that you don't have. In the long run we all have a talent in our bodies. We all just have to find it.

Haters Always Gonna Hate.......

photo by: GogDog

          Some people hate or dislike someone  for their talent or their experiences. People like this are usually jealous of one another in sports, music, art, or even in everything. Some children, young adults and older adults are the jealousy type and it can get bad.Screaming and hollering turns into fist fighting and fighting over a little kid's toy can become a cat fight. 

         You should be proud of your self for your techniques, personality, and characteristics. In some cases many people think its unfair when actually they're right. Why can't people turn the other cheek or forgive and forget? Why do they make it a big deal?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jealousy. How should we handle it (Speak Journal #1)

Photo by: Kikishua
We sometimes don't like people who are really good at something because we are jealous. It all depends on what you do with jealousy, to decide if it is fair or not. If you do something to sabotage and be plain rude than all you are doing is trying to make them feel bad so you feel better about your self and that is not right! I believe it is fair because those people worked hard to get that good. Yes adults are like this, most of the time exactly like this! Some may do it the way immature children do it. But some may deal with this in a more mature manner. All I said above applies to adults as well. Just because they are adults doesn't mean they know or act more appropriately than children do. Keep this in mind.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Spaced Out

Image By: Sweetie187

When I see this picture it reminds me of spacing out. Like in class I like to space out when i bored and don't feel like paying attention. I can space out pretty easily and it usually happens when teachers talk alot. When I feel sleepy or tired I space out and usually I space out every day in at least 1 class.

The amazing BANANA!!!!!

Photo by Bi

Well what I see when I look at this banana is "eat me, I am tasty and nutritious and a lot better than apples" It likes to taunt me. I refuse all the time except for occasionally when I REALLY want a banana and the banana knows it! It looks so good and delicious but it is devious at the same time. The banana always has new tricks up its PEEL ha ha. Whether it's disguising itself as a shake or a smoothie it always surprises me. So watch out for the amazing BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hyper Dog Days Are Over!

photo by cogdogblog

                These two dogs obviously had too much fun today. The two dogs remind me of how lazy my dog is. The looks and the eyes tell you everything. The bold eyes in the beagle show how tired the pooch is. The other dog is passed out just as if my dog were getting its picture taking as well. Lazy or tired? Who knows!!! Sweet dreams pooch! As for you too beagle.

Fractured Right Hand

My picture is about me fracturing my hand even though its not my real hand. But yesterday when I was at access I was swing my hands and my right hand hit the wall pretty hard. Mt right hand is very swollen and it has a bruise. The reason why I don't have a cast or anything on is because my mom couldn't take me to the doctors. Now I have sling and my my entire arm is fractured. I fractured my hand in the multipurpose room, and I when I was at he doctors I feel down the stairs and I fractured my elbow. But I only cracked the bone.
Caption by: AMYReAL5110

I Man Chamorro

This is the Guam seal from the island of Guam. Guam is located in the Pacific ocean near Japan. The people of Guam's native language is Chamorro. The way to say hello in Chamorro is Hafa Adai. Guam is a beautiful place but is not very big. The island has a huge jungle and was taken over by the spanish in the past. Guam is part of the Micronesian group. There are 3 groups of nesians: Polynesian, Micronesian, and Melanesian. Out of the many Pacific Islands, I think Guam is the best.(Photo by JuntosWorldwide)http://www.flickr.com/photos/juntosworldwide/4948205429/


I saw this picture and it reminded me of my cat. Well hes mot my cat anymore he died...I mean he became friends with coyotes and so now he lives in their bellies tickling them. I like how the cat is winking at me. It looks like hes all I am some cool cat. WINK WINK. My friend thinks I'm weird because I named my cat Dude. But isn't Dude a cool name for a cat yeah. Dude used to walk, then ca lapse and lay on his back. Then he would get up walk a few steps and ca lapse again. But this cat looks like you could shades on him and he would be rolling. I mean look at him he looks like he has no care in the world. Yup he looks like a cool cat.

picture by:Mosieur J.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My New Year's Resolution is...........?


            My New Year's Resolution is to try to be drama-free. I don't think it will be a success because everyone in the world has some kind of drama. I at least want to stay out of other people's drama even if it's the most I can do. I will try to do my best for this because it is the worst part of my life.

           I'm not going to get into anybody's drama not even if they are my best friend. Drama is the #1 reason for fighting. I really really really hope that my New Year's Resolutuion will remain successful as it has been for the last few days. I'm off to a good start.

My New Year's Resolutions

Well MY new year's resolutions is to learn how to let things go and try and not worry so much. As many know I am a complete and TOTAL worrywart in academics and in my personal life. Also I have a tendency to well get annoyed very easily and get angry very easily. I want to be able to just joke you know and get along with more people! I dont have a very long list obviously, but that just means I can put MORE energy into those few things and get them accomplished hopefully. :) Well everyone have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Also what do you think of my post please comment I want to hear what YOU have to say.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year Goals

Well it's a new year now and there is new things to improve on. 1 thing I would want to improve on is keeping my grades up. To me that is an important goal because I still have to go through school. Another goal I would also want to try is helping around in my house by helping my mom clean, cook, help with groceries and try to keep the rooms in order. This may sound like it's hard to do but, it's actually pretty easy. Plus, maybe my mom might even might be rewarding me for helping her ouy in the house. Alot of people give up on their goals very easily because there hard or boring but if you at least try then maybe you will be rewarded later on.

New Years Goals

My goals this year is to go to college. I know it seems like a long time from here..I want to go to college get my master-degree and be a doctor. I know it sounds crazy but that's actually what I want. I want to improve the lives of others. I want to help people that have very serious diseases. Helping others is what I like to do. Well that's one of my goals, my last goal is to get straight A's this trimester. My grades are uber-awesome. Except I want to try to get a lot of extra credit so that rise up my grade. Its not a lot of extra credit, but at least its something. My grades are C-,B , B-, B+ , A+. Those are my grades right now so I'm trying to get extra credit from all my classes. Well those are pretty much my goals right now. Well I hope everyone had a great New Years.
Happy new years!!! Who seriously keeps there. Happy New years resolution but, I guess that having new years goals is probably better I've made a list that would help me this years and in my future. because you know the future starts now you know. Well first of all I would like to get better grades because well isn't that good for everyone. Second I would probably want to get better at soft ball because well I love the sport and well I suck; I seriously want to make it when I try out. Third I probably want to learn to be more responsible all my things because well I lose a lot of things. And last I want to be more organized so I don't lose things like homework and stuff. And last absolutely last I wan t to be a princess with a big fluffy pink dress and live in a fantabulous castle. Well if I don't do the last one I want to do the first four things. But you know that princes choice is still good.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years

Wow already New Years that's crazy. I so remember when it was 2011 and now its 2012. I'm wondering if changes are going to happen with the economy. 2012 is going to change because on how our systems work with the job loss and the riots that's been going on. People said that the world was going to end in 2012. I think that's dumb because look were still here. I don't know scientist these days. They predicted wrong of course 2012 is a New Year. Lots of changes are going to happen, lets hope good ones that will help our economy and everything else that's happened over the years. I hope they make changes with everything that they've done. Well i hope everyone had a good New Years.