Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wow it's already a new year
Who would of thought that 2011 would go by so incredibly quickly. Oh no some people might say 2012 is coming what are we to do Ahhhhhhhhhhh!¡!¡ Well to those people running around like idiots the calander was outdated along time ago I don't know when but it was ; how many times did people say that the world was gonna end in 2011. A lot so many, people stopped caring so why are they all gonna get so worried just because some big calendar said so WOW people really some people say oh well it says in the bible ,umm people it also says we will never know when the world is coming to and end so calm down and just breath in because we are gonna see 2013 well most of us I can't promise all of us sorry I'm not a miricle worker but happy New Years.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Has anyone out there seen the movie Donnie Darko. Dose anyone actually understand it but me. I have asked sooo many people about it and no one has ever said yah I understand it. Ok well let me take a minute to explain it. Well its about a boy that is constently visted by a teenager that he murders in the future. The boy is in a bunny suit(a very creepy looking bunny) he shows him a worm whole through time. An airplain engine falls out of a worm whole and destroys his room since he all ready knew about it he knows to stay away. He falls in love with a girl and the boy that he murders hits her with a car when the driver steps out of the car he shoots him in the eye and that is the reason why He wears the very disturbing bunny suit but I think that you should watch the movie because it is like very awstastic and well yeah I don't have to go on.
Being a teacher
Being a teacher is so easy, not. If your'e a teacher, you have to put up with annoying, rude monsters. Especially if you are a middle school teacher; you get the short end of the stick. Middle school is when the kids are the most rebellious. In elementary school, the kids are scared of the teachers. In high school, the bad kids realize that they need their education. If you have a choice, don't be a middle school teacher.
Social Networking: A Love-Hate Relationship
Facebook and other social networking sites have some pros and cons. Facebook is addicting but it is a book of your life. Anyone can read it and find out anything about you. Many use it to find "true love" but you never will because many create fake accounts to find little kids so that they can kidnap them. But there are some advantages to social sites. has been created just to list the pros and cons of sites such as, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. The website also lists some interesting and creepy facts as well.
Some of the facts include:
“43% of
online sexual solicitors were identified as being adolescents (under 18), 30%
were adults between the ages of 18 and 21, and 9% were adults over the age of
21 (as of Dec. 31, 2008).”
networking and blogging sites accounted for 17% of all time spent on the
Internet in Aug. 2009, nearly three times as much as in 2008.”
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Trades In The NBA
A recent new trade in the NBA is being decided to be done. New Orleans Hornets star player Chris Paul is possibly being traded to the Los Angeles Lakers. The Hornets coach is still debating as if he wants a trade or leave Chris as a free agent. The Lakers were going to trade Kevin Martin, Luis Scola and Lamar Odom. The Hornets werent sure if they wanted this trade so it is still undecided. Read more here
Quilling Artwork

My latest curiosity is quilling. My mom told me about it because at her work they have a display case and a resident put their quilling art on display. Quilling means a decorative craftwork in which a material such as glass, fabric, or paper is formed into small bands or rolls that form the basis of a design. Quilling interest me because you roll paper up and can make practically any design. I want to get the materials so that I can learn how to quill, I would love to make colorful snowflakes and flowers. They are very cool and they have bright exotic colors. I hope you're interested in quilling. Here is a link to give you many ideas on quilling.
Doing nothing
Could you ever imagine a WHOLE post about doing nothing? I can because I'm writing it ha ha. Well the key to doing nothing is NOT MOVING :) I mean grown ups like to judge us kids when we don't feel like doing the things they want us to do, well NEWSFLASH what you tell us to do is boring and well BORING!!!!! Why cant we be given FUN tasks to do is it really so hard to think of?? Well hey now I'M boring you so tell you what I want you to go and bounce on a trampoline go swimming. HAVE FUN!!!! Adults want us to be bored out of our minds but I say NO!!!!! Go enjoy yourself! :)
Monday, December 12, 2011
They fly swiftly in the air and grab their pray with such grace and ease, bats are the nocturnal animals.
Bats are sometimes seen in the day but they hunt at night so no one really sees them.
Bats are insect eaters and they are blind so they use a echolocation,
echolocation is a system that a bat screeches and sound comes back.
Bats are fundamental to an ecosystem they eat bugs so bug counts drop.
Thank you for reading my post.
Human Improvment
Should people use surgery to improve their looks.
Well I say nay to this heinous act of self productivity it's just wrong thinking about it.
Some people say that its good to cut their skin and add plastic in their body.
Why would you ruin the stuff god gave you to live.
Plastic surgery is like destroying food before you eat it.
please listen to what I'm saying don't do plastic surgery or any body enhancements.
thank you for reading and be safe with your decisions.
Well I say nay to this heinous act of self productivity it's just wrong thinking about it.
Some people say that its good to cut their skin and add plastic in their body.
Why would you ruin the stuff god gave you to live.
Plastic surgery is like destroying food before you eat it.
please listen to what I'm saying don't do plastic surgery or any body enhancements.
thank you for reading and be safe with your decisions.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Why Change Yourself?

Why on earth would you want to change yourself ? You are beautiful the way you are. If you change yourself then you're a total different person. Plastic surgery is very dangerous, especially if you do it to yourself. By injecting cooking oil in your face and other harmful chemicals you can make your face look fat and puffy. I say this because I read an article and saw pictures about a lady that did this. Don't let someone discriminate against you for how you look. Don't let someone tell you that you have a big nose or that you have huge eyes. Come on now they're probably jealous because you're so beautiful. Don't change yourself because you wont be the same person. Here are a few pictures on changing yourself and getting plastic surgery this might change your view on plastic surgery.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Changing Yourself, Good or Bad?
Changing yourself can be bad, but it can also be right. In a bad sense, you would not be keeping your body natural. Then again, half the things we use to survive are not natural. In a good sense, the person will use the opportunity to change him or herself to change what they want. When they change themselves the will boost their self esteem because they will feel good about themselves. In conclusion, if you feel like you need to change yourself, do it, but if you feel like you don't need to, then don't.
Plastic Surgery Helps Women Get Her Face Back
In the early 2009 Charla Nash was attacked by a 200 pound chimp. The chimp tore off her hands, nose, elids and lips. Charla Nash was frightened by what the chimp had done to her face and was probally worried about how people would react to it. Later in 2009, she reaveled her self on "Oprah". It was a horryfying thing that had happened to her. There was only one way she could save all the humiliation and disgust of people. Charla wanted Plastic surgery. Alot of you people think it maybe wrong to have Plastic surgery but in this case she wanted to save herself from disgust, thoughts, or comments from people.
Be Yourself!!!
should look again. In this picture, this woman's dramatic"change"
was a disaster! In most cases this won't happen but why would you chance it?
Many families that have had a relative get plastic surgery are "satisfied"
with it but honestly it disgusts them. In families' minds they know that "you
are naturally beautiful just the way you are." When you change yourself you are
not the same person. People look at you different, treat you differently, and act
differently while around you. Why? Why would you change yourself? Look again! It might end up looking like this!!!
Would plastic surgery REALLY be improving yourselves??
My opinion on this issue is that NO I don't think plastic surgery will help you improve yourself! All plastic surgery is saying is that you don't love yourself, and this song "you are beautiful" says to appreciate yourself and don't let what anyone says bring you down! You know what your doing to that song when you get plastic are spitting on it! If you get plastic surgery you are admitting that you hate how you look. Everyone has their own view point on this issue its just that mine I decided to put out there and that is just FINE. You have your opinion and I have mine listen to it and THEN choose whats your opinion. I DO believe that you shouldn't try to make yourself loom artificial. In my opinion DON'T have plastic surgery!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
What is wrong with people, I mean does something snap in some people’s heads when you can get an unbelievable deal on something for a day. There are stories about people getting trampled and other people getting taken to the hospital and one person pepper spraying people for a game. The big question here is why do people go crazy and throw all sense out the window for a pair of yoga pants…the world may never know...but I don't care about the reason I just enjoy poking fun at the idiots that caused the accident. In one of the stories I read about black Friday a grandfather was getting beaten for a video game he was getting for his eight year old grandson. In another a girl was trampled for something that she had in her hands and escaped with her life. In yet another(and this one is my favorite because it’s so stupid) two ladies at a Victoria's Secret got in a brawl over a pair of yoga pants. Do any of these stories make sense to you? If so then please comment on this and tell me how.
Why destroy a good game?
I think that dodgeballl should not be ban from schools. This is because many kids in the world love playing the game and do not want to give it up. I for one am one of those people, I used to play dodge ball every day in 5th and 6th grade, then they started to let us play less and less and eventually we only got to play it every other week for one day...then not at all. When the principle said that it was ban for being too violent I wanted to laugh in her face and I am sure that there are other people in the world that feel the same. In an article by ABC news it talks about how kids feel about the game and why the game is being ban across the country. Dodge ball is a great game because it teaches u how to stand up for yourself and fight back, this is because when someone gets you out you want to get them back automatically and no matter how small, big, nerdy, or weak u have a fair shot at exacting revenge on the guy that got you out.
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